Energy production and distribution systems and loads
The research objectives are the modelling, simulation, analysis and optimisation of energy and electricity generation and distribution systems and the study of their interactions with the technical and economic environment. The theme therefore brings together all the cross-cutting research of the four LGI groups, on the design and technical and economic management of energy systems.
- Several research themes and scientific obstacles are the subjects of research: Economic viability, technical reliability, operational safety and risks related to energy generation, transmission and distribution;
- Comparative analysis of low-carbon electricity generation technologies, such as nuclear and renewable energies, as well as the study of electricity storage solutions (hydrogen, etc.);
- The integration of electric mobility into the dynamics of electricity supply and demand, the examination of new forms of low-carbon mobility solutions;
- Energy efficiency (eco-parks, cogeneration, transport, distribution, etc.), demand management (smart grids, erasure, etc.), and the effects of consumer behavior and use on energy consumption over the product life cycle (rebound effects, etc.);
- The management of the various externalities produced by the energy system (beyond CO2 emissions), including the impacts of nuclear waste and the extraction of fossil and mineral resources.
- Energy systems,
- Reliability,
- Economic viability,
- Resilience,
- Renewable energies,
- Smart grids,
- Complex systems,
- Energy supply,
- Externalities,
- Energy mix
The researchers involved in the theme are at the forefront of the scientific community:
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on the European Energy Market (P. da Costa, Y. Perez)
- Organization of the World Conference of the International Association of Energy Economists (IAEE) to be held in June 2020 (Y. Perez: Chairman, P. da Costa)
- Member of the European Safety and Reliability Asso- ciation ESRA (A. Barros)
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2019) (A. Barros, Y.-P. Fang)
- Guest Editor of the special issue “Reliability, Security and Resiliency of Smart Grids” in Energies (Y.-P. Fang)