The « Healthcare System Engineering » (Systèmes de Santé, S2S) Research Group aims at developing new approaches, methods and tools for managing and organizing healthcare systems, by adapting approaches traditionally used in Industrial Engineering in order to integrate the specificities of healthcare systems. Healthcare systems considered by the group are diverse: hospitals, day hospitals, emergency departments, home healthcare, telehealth, m-health, etc.
Research objectives can be seen as twofold:
- Adaptation and transfer of concepts, methods and tools traditionally developed in Industrial Engineering for the case of healthcare
- Development of specific methods and tools needed for designing and good functioning of healthcare
Scientific challenges are various: healthcare system performance is multidimensional (societal, medical, economic); it is a complex system (human is a key element of this system, diversity and number of stakeholders, interdependence between decisions and system actors, need for a specific collaboration/coordination approaches and models); uncertainties pertaining to design, analysis, simulation and future behavior prediction are challenging. The research in this domain is multi-disciplinary with a clear systems orientation, combining domains such as systems engineering, operations management, simulation and optimization. The overall objective of developed approaches and methods is to create value for all stakeholders of the healthcare system (e.g. satisfy service quality for the patient, take into account healthcare professional preferences, optimize resource utilization, and manage costs related to organization processes).
“Healthcare System Engineering” Research group is constituted of researchers in majority coming from DE and OM research teams. It is coordinated by Evren Sahin (professor LGI, OM) and Marija Jankovic (Professor LGI, DE). The research group is dynamic: numerous collaborations with healthcare practitioners have been developed in past years, and in particular with the AP-HP. Dynamic and strong international research network is developed in order to support and collaborate to address healthcare system challenges.
Relevant events and results in 2020:
- Pr. Le Cardinal served as an expert for the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé) committee: « Cartographie des impacts organisationnels pour l’évaluation des technologies de santé »
- Dr. Lamé is in advisory board «Healthcare Systems Design» SIG. of the Design Society.
- « COVONCO » ARC (cancer foundation) project; Entrepôt de Données de Santé (clinical data warehouse) of AP-HP (Assistance Publique les Hopitaux de Paris) and the hospital Henri Mondor. Evaluation the impact of COVID 19 on cancer patients’ treatement
- « 3D4Care » ( FabLab of CentraleSupélec); The faceshields design and production for the early Covid19 pandemic.
- “Analysis of the impact of media coverage and governments decision onto Covid19-related Google queries”, Dr. Tu Anh Duong
- Founding member “Hub PASREL – Technologie & Médicine de demain” defining “Future hospital” at Université Paris-Saclay
- Complex system design,
- operations management,
- performance management,
- optimization,
- healthcare logistics,
- service systems,
- technology development and integration